DECEMBER 15, 2024
10:30 A.M.

Our adult Sunday school class has a very faithful following. Bob Hallman is leading us verse by verse through the Bible, and every Sunday is a learning experience. Everyone is welcome!
I attend church and Sunday School because this is my way of thanking God for all his blessings he has bestowed upon me. What better way to start my week than worshiping and sharing with my Christian Family and sharing our life’s experiences. Why don’t you come and join us, we would be so glad to see you!
I have been a member of Bob’s adult Sunday school class for many years. The class is very informative, Bob Hallman is a good teacher, he explains the scriptures and lets the class express themselves .We are a scriptural family. Deborah Pullen
We are all at different levels of learning. As we read and study the Bible we get a deeper understanding of the contents. We as a group chat about life experiences and how we can get through them. That answer is Jesus Christ. That is why I come to Sunday school, to deepen my faith. God is my Provider, my answer and strength. Ron Readinger
Our Sunday school class is unique. We read and study the bible from beginning to the end, discussing as we go. Our discussions can range from being serious to having fun. We voluntarily share our life experiences as they relate. The answers to our life’s issues are found within the scriptures, Gods Holy word and in his son Jesus Christ the Lord. Come Join us every Sunday at 9:00 A.M. Hope to see you there. Shanon Readinger
Sunday School is not just for kids anymore. Twenty years after confirmation I realized that worldly events were winning and choking my relationship with God; in fact, it wasn't much of a relationship at all. How could I apply christian principles to my life, without doing serious study of the Word?
Bob has done his homework as we move through the Bible. His Guidance and discussions have made every verse come alive in its story, so that we may take from it lessons to apply and practice throughout the week in everyday life.

I am the teacher of one of the adult classes and having been teaching for about thirty years. I am teaching from a series of books by Pastor James W. Moore. In the class we talk about the issues of the day and use chapters of the Bible that teach us what we are to do with our lives in the world today. Don Wilson is an Elder of the church and he teaches when I am on vacation. He is a excellent teacher and the class is pleased with the material he presents.
This Sunday School class is so friendly and concerned about each other. Our teacher presents the lessons in a simple way and with stories that are interesting. Everything is easy to understand. We can speak up with our ideas. It's great to be part of this class.
Ginger is a teacher dedicated to teaching us about God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. She wants to light a fire under us for the Lord. She teaches from life experiences. She encourages us to talk and answer questions. Jane
Ginger is a corner stone to our church. As our Sunday school teacher she puts a lot of hard work preparing her Sunday school lesson. I learned a lot of things about the Bible threw Ginger.
I know the Lord is with her, to help and guild her, because she is one of his vessels.
So I personally like to hear Ginger every Sunday teach the class because it helps me personally understand the Lord’s word. So God Bless our church and our teachers!
I have been going to Sunday School for about 50 years Ginger our teacher is the best. She is a good teacher and knows the Bible .